Our Mission.

Pensions are one of the most important pieces of financial planning that you will do in your lifetime. It is the best way to avoid paying tax in the short term, and to secure yourself a better standard of living in retirement.

There are many options available in the Irish market, but it is not always easy for the average consumer to make a direct comparison between the various providers.

At PensionCompare, we make it easy to compare every insurance provider in the market. Whether you’re looking to improve your returns, reduce your management fees, contribute more or just have a chat, our partners are there with you every step of the way.

We’re here to change the game.

Find the best pension for your budget and lifestyle.

All consultations are 100% cost and commitment free!

Which pension is best for You?

Review your pension options to make sure you’re entering the best possible fund for your circumstances. This service is 100% cost and commitment free.

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